Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let It Roll, Baby, Roll...

The stage is set, the die is cast, whatever you want to say – the ball is rolling! On Thursday, we submitted some questions (mostly about mechanicals, roof, etc.) which were answered very quickly. I “gently” broke it to the owners that their square footage calculation was wrong (they never replied to that email, but you can bet they went down to City Hall that day!). The offer letter was ready yesterday, but we sat on it all day, for no particular reason other than that we were scared ____less. But at 7:01 PM last night, the letter was submitted via cyberspace.

It was a fair offer – one they cannot possible perceive as an insult. But let’s face it, they have not done anything proactively in that house. The kitchen is 17 years old. The roof is 13 years old. The windows are original (1970). The house has not been painted in eight years. So to receive an offer that is 15% off the asking price is not too shabby. And lest we forget, if we do this private sale, there will be no broker’s commission, which will save them over $50,000. Nice work, if you can get it!

Last night, ½ hour after I sent the offer, I picked up two of my friends and went to dinner at a great local restaurant. And wouldn’t you know it: There, seated at the next table, was the owner of the house we just offered to buy! I text-messaged my husband, and his response was, “Too bad he is not there with another woman. (Note: wife is away, looking at houses in their target community) Then we could steal the house!” He did have his arms around 2 ladies, but it was clearly a gathering of old friends – all couples except this guy. I don’t think there was any hanky-panky going on. Perhaps I should shoot him an email saying, “Was that you at the restaurant last night? I am sorry I did not get a chance to say hello, but I did not want to intrude on your fun.” Then, if there were any question about his actions, he would know that I knew. Food for thought.

Just kidding, of course, but it would be nice if there were a way to steal this house. I guess the fact that it will go to market at the end of September could work in our favor – as the holidays approach, there are fewer buyers out there. However, now that they have secured our offer, they will undoubtedly use it to drum up others. I can hear the realtor now: “Well, there IS an offer already, after all, so you may want to act quickly.” What better words to drum up interest? It’s part of Queuing Theory, I believe (very rusty business school Operations Management memories) – haven’t you ever noticed that when you walk into an empty store, it suddenly starts to fill with customers? Whatever happens, I am proud of us for our due diligence and for taking this risk. While I do believe it is a calculated risk, it is still outside of our comfort zone, and we will have to continue to push the envelope in order to secure our future, and that of our children. So, let’s see what comes back, if anything, this weekend. We are ready to talk!

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